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Greetings from the President

Greetings Classmates,

I hope this message finds you well. It is with great “cougar pride” and enthusiasm that I write to you as the newly elected President of our class, “The Mighty Class of 1981.” As your newly elected President, I am dedicated to fostering a united and dynamic class community. I am committed to a proactive approach and unwavering dedication to inclusivity and collaboration, setting a positive tone for all classmates and the initiatives we embark upon. Being at the helm, I am confident in our ability as classmates to achieve great things together and create lasting memories.

As we continue this exciting journey together, I am thrilled to introduce the remarkable classmates who will be serving alongside me as our new Alumni Executive Class Officers. Each of them brings unique talents and a shared commitment to making our class experience exceptional.

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Vice-President: Blanche Seaberry Richardson
Blanche has shown remarkable leadership and dedication throughout her personal and professional life.  With a keen eye for detail and a passion for bringing people together, she will be instrumental in working with classmates in planning our events and initiatives.




Treasurer: Diane Eatmon Cox
Managing our finances with transparency and efficiency, Diane will ensure that our funds are used wisely to support our goals. Her expertise will help us make the most of our resources.





SecretaryLisa Davis Newkirk

Lisa will be responsible for maintaining accurate records and keeping us organized. With her excellent communication skills, she will ensure that everyone stays informed and engaged.




Assistant Secretary: Sharon Richardson

Supporting our Secretary, Sharon will help with administrative tasks and ensure smooth coordination of our activities. Her attention to detail and reliability will be invaluable.




Parliamentarian: Tony Sanders

Guiding us through the intricacies of parliamentary procedure, Tony will ensure our meetings as well as other gatherings are conducted efficiently and fairly. His knowledge and impartiality will help maintain order and respect.




Web Administrator:  Jeanette B. James

Jeanette brings a wealth of experience in web development and digital communications to our class. Her technical expertise and creative vision will ensure that our class website is a dynamic, user-friendly hub for all classmates. Jeanette will manage our online presence, keeping the site updated with the latest news, event details, and important information. Her dedication to creating an engaging and accessible online space will help us stay connected and informed, no matter where we are.



Together, we are committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community for our Mighty Class of ‘81. We aim to create memorable experiences, support our students, and community, and celebrate our achievements together. Your ideas, feedback, and participation are essential to our success, and we welcome your input at every step.

Let us make this a year to remember, filled with fellowship, achievements, and fun. I am honored to serve as your President, and I look forward to working with each of you to make our class the best it can be!

Thank you for your trust and support!

Warm regards,

Renee Holloway Jones

Goldsboro High School - Class of 1981

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       GHS Class of  1981

PO Box 325

        Goldsboro NC 27533

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